Craig Sanders Graphic

Meet the Social Development Commission’s Board of Commissioner Craig Sanders:

How long have you worked at SDC?
I’ve been a commissioner for 4 years.

What do you do at SDC?
I think I help lead people to resources that address the things that cause them to be in poverty. If you help people with their immediate needs, you can help them with other issues too.

What motivates you? Why do you do this work?
My ability. I know that I have the ability to help people. I know that as a commissioner, I have access to power and an ability to go more in depth. I can have greater impact.

Describe a time when you felt like your work at SDC made a difference in someone’s life.
Recently, as a commissioner, I helped a woman and her son get out of an abusive, domestic situation. Her needs went unaddressed. I was able to help her reach resolution and get attention from high ranking officials (who could help) in the judicial system.

Tell us something people don’t know about you.
I love to dance. I used to dance four to six hours a day.

Lighting Round:

Dream vacation?
Jamaica. It’s because of the water. I’d love to take a cruise there.

Most recent book read?
The Heiress.

Favorite movie?
Hidden Figures.

Favorite song?
Liberian Girl by Michael Jackson

Favorite athlete?
Bob Lanier

Favorite local restaurant?
Red Lobster

Favorite hobby?
Reading a good book while sitting in the sun.


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