Chris Davis Employee Spotlight Graphic

1. What attracted you to your new job at SDC? What was your last job?
I previously worked as a high school Spanish teacher on an emergency license for a chance to reach back into the MPS community that helped shape me into the person I am today.

SDC presented an opportunity to continue to fight to make a difference in my community and learn more about how we, as an organization, as a city and as a nation fight inequity, inequality and poverty.

2. Are you a Milwaukee native or did you relocate to this area? If you are from Milwaukee, where did you grow up? If you moved to Milwaukee later in life, tell us about your hometown.
I am from Milwaukee. I grew up off of Hampton Avenue and I am a product of the Milwaukee Public School System.

3. When you aren’t working, what do you like to do? Feel free to share any hobbies or extracurricular activities.
I enjoy photography and being outdoors!
It’s always great to put on my favorite song, grab a book and watch the clouds pass by.

4. At SDC, we have some die-hard sports fans. Do you like sports? If so, what’s your favorite team and why? If you aren’t a sports fan, that’s okay. Just list something you are passionate about.
I’m not a huge sports fan but I love everything Star Wars! I’ve watched all of the films dozens of times and will often quote my favorite scenes if an opportunity presents itself.

5. The one thing we may love more than sports, is food. What’s your favorite food? Do you have a favorite restaurant, pizza parlor or homemade recipe? Tell us about it.
It’s so hard to name a favorite food but the thought of a crispy brat on a hot summer day is my only motivation to trek through these last few cold streaks.

6. Tell us anything else that will help us get to know you.
I love working at the SDC and if I haven’t met you yet I can’t wait for the chance to get to know you!

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